Tracey Cunnington - Marketing Assistant

What is normal, anyway?

This week, our CEO and Founder, Debra Charles, was a keynote speaker at the inaugural Assistive Technology Exhibition and Conference, where she made a heartfelt appeal for people to share their dyslexia success stories as part of a filmed showcase of dyslexic talent which will launch during Dyslexia Awareness Week in October.

Debra is spearheading a growing group of collaborators with a vision to create a toolkit for educators and business owners alike, to inspire them and change their perception of pupils and team members who have the gift of dyslexia.

Speaking as a technology lover, with removing barriers to success at the heart of her business ethos, Debra talked about how she believes her success is because of, not despite, her dyslexia. She outlined why she believes differences should be celebrated and valued, and why perceptions of ‘normal’ need to change to contribute to making a difference to society.

If you too think there’s positivity in dyslexia, join our showcase and #SayNoToNormal now.

We also have a collaboration group on LinkedIn and would welcome your thoughts.

After all, what is normal, anyway?